NM FIESTA Project Training: Working with Kids Who Have Endured Trauma
Learning Target: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of effective strategies for engaging with children who have faced trauma, cultivating a supportive and nurturing environment that facilitates healing and fosters resilience. This training will enrich participants’ knowledge in several key areas, including: defining trauma, impact on development, trauma informed practices, building trusting relationships, intervention strategies, and self-care for caregivers.
The NM FIESTA Project managed by All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center focuses on creating a support system for all resource, kinship, and adoptive families in New Mexico through networking events, training, and connection to resources. All services are free of charge. For more information about the NM FIESTA Project please contact Katie Bustamante, NM FIESTA Project Statewide Supervisor, at kbustamante@allfaiths.org or 505-918-0221.