Educating law enforcement, educators, municipalities, and human services professionals about the impact of childhood trauma is key to creating a community of first responders, schools, mentors, and families that recognize the signs of trauma, as well as understand that the consequences of trauma can be prevented and healed.
We offer professional development training with an overview of the impact of childhood trauma on brain development and function. Health and human service agency staff , medical providers, first responders, and school staff learn to recognize and respond to children affected by trauma.

- Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- Impact of trauma on early brain development
- Understanding trauma responses
- Impact of trauma on learning and memory
- How to recognize a trauma response in a child and offer support
- How understanding the impact of trauma informs interventions
- Explore key components critical for the healing of trauma

“The training provided fundamental awareness to our ancillary staff creating an understanding of the importance of building and maintaining relationships with students. Staff have a deeper knowledge base and toolbox of strategies in working with students who have been impacted by trauma. This training is essential for all staff who work with children.”