NM FIESTA Project Care and Connect (Support Group): Relative Caregiving
Learning Target: Relative caregiving, often referred to as kinship care, embodies the profound commitment and support provided by family members or close relatives in the nurturing and upbringing of children. This form of caregiving not only strengthens familial bonds but also offers children a sense of stability and continuity during times of transition or adversity. By entrusting the care of children to relatives, families can ensure that young ones remain connected to their cultural heritage and familial roots, fostering a nurturing environment that promotes emotional well-being and resilience.
The NM FIESTA Project managed by All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center focuses on creating a support system for all resource, kinship, and adoptive families in New Mexico through networking events, training, and connection to resources. All services are free of charge. For more information about the NM FIESTA Project please contact Katie Bustamante, NM FIESTA Project Statewide Supervisor, at kbustamante@allfaiths.org or 505-918-0221.