NM FIESTA Project Family Activity: Family Fun Day
The NM FIESTA Project managed by All Faiths Children’s Advocacy Center focuses on creating a support system for all resource and adoptive families in New Mexico through networking events, training, and connection to resources. All services are free of charge. For more information about the NM FIESTA Project please contact Katie Bustamante, NM FIESTA Project Statewide Supervisor, at kbustamante@allfaiths.org or 505-918-0221.
In Person (Region 4): Hobbs Public Library, 509 N. Shipp St., Hobbs, NM 88240
Following online registration, families will receive an email with additional event details.
The event is free for families. We will have family activities, games for everyone, movie
time for teens and their families, snacks, drinks, and a coffee station. We hope to bring
families together to visit, share, have fun, and build community. For more information
about the NM FIESTA Project and/or event details, please contact NM FIESTA Project
Statewide Supervisor, Katie Bustamante at 505-918-0221 or kbustamante@allfaiths.org